Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Letting it be


"But?" Odin knew Shelly wanted him to just stop. Whatever was going on with Kate and Brad had nothing to do with him. Suddenly, she seemed to be in tune with him about meeting his folks.

"How long will we stay there?" She wanted to know. "And will we sleep in your old room?"

It filled him up with laughter when she said. Yes! Finally, something was going his way. As it was, they were busy making dinner together. It was only pasta but it felt like it was taking forever to chop up the veg. He told her it was only for the weekend. They wouldn't be there that long. It was an occasion to introduce her to them. After all, she was important to him. Maybe he'd even get up the nerve, a proposal of some kind, but he still needed to sort it a bit more.

"I don't even remember what's in my room now," He bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing. "A lot of punk bands, you know."

"Of course," she nodded. "And you've always been a footballer." She looked him over asking about all his trophies.

"Well, for a wee bit. I wasn't that fast." He shrugged. He squinted thinking Mumzy left his shit alone. Really, he did need to throw a lot of it away. Like misfit socks and undies that were too stretched out. And the bed probably wouldn't be big enough for the both of them. God, he hoped Mumzy wouldn't be a nag on this visit.

"Maybe you and Stu could look into joining a team," she was just making small talk now while she was looking for the spaghetti in the cupboards.

"We would never," he winced as he went back to knives and peppers. "We aren't really athletic."

"Only in bed," she laughed out loud. "Honestly, you two need to get sporty before it's too late, babe." She made it sound like they'd be hasbeens before they knew it if they didn't get moving.

He rolled his eyes at that. Naturally, she had to tell him how Kate always went on and on...how Brad was always on some kind of team.

"Maybe he spread him out too thin," Odin decided as he was slicing mushrooms ever so delicate.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said a thing," she was apologetic then as she was watching the water boil. "We have our trip to the sea to think on, don't we?"

"Aw, yes," he nodded. "Back to the cottage."

"A cottage?" She sounded as if were such a foreign term as if the fairies were surely waiting for them.

"Don't worry, there is a pub," he told her.

She sighed, but he wasn't quite sure if it was the excitement of seeing Mumzy and Dadzo. Maybe they'd have to go camping or something.


  1. Oh I hope their visit goes well. Always fun to visit the childhood home as well.

  2. As Odin notes, Shelly's certainly changed her tune! So much so that he's contemplating . . . a proposal?! I don't know about that. Especially given this dubious comment from Shelly:

    ' "A cottage?" She sounded as if it were such a foreign term, as if the fairies were surely waiting for them."

    Maybe she's not as ready to immerse herself in Odin's pastoral origin story as she'd like to seem. And I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Although I am sure that I like the line about the fairies. ✨

  3. I loved the chapter, it was very interesting.

  4. Me gusto mucho , te mando un beso. https://enamoradadelasletras.blogspot.com/

  5. You had me at the word cottage. I'm obsessed with the quaint!


  6. Genial parte te mando un beso. https://enamoradadelasletras.blogspot.com/


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