Monday, July 25, 2022

Gravity's holdin' me back

 Really, it was quite sweet with Odin. Always caring. Oh, it might not have been the R rated version of a romance that Brad and Kate had, but he was good in bed. He never turned away afterward just to snor.

Of course, Shelly was the one who was exhausted and she might have been asleep before it was over. Yes, she was satisfied with this kind of sufficient intercourse. True, it might not have been the WOW factor, but it got better each time.

She found herself smiling in her sleep. She thought of Maxie aka Mr. Bagely. She remembered how he could ask her the most interesting questions. "See, I told you, you'd find yourself a lover one day."

Had he actually said that? She almost stirred awake. Almost, but not quite as she laid on her back, completely naked with just a sheet for warmth. She tried to wrestle awake, but the words didn't go away. She saw his face. Thinking the first time she saw it. She was a youngster then. He wasn't so old either. No, he really wasn't that old, was he?

It was funny, they'd found a friendship back then. Sure, foster homes came and went yet he was always near to find him at the book shop, always a delight to converse with. 

Was it a romance? She didn't think so. No, not even now. Sure, he was always concerned. Always a friend, indeed, giving her bags of books. "You should read up on these authors," he'd said. It wasn't junk. Of course, she'd kept the old books of Jules Verne. 

She returned to a heavy sleep. Thinking how those were the best days of her life. He'd been there for her when no one else was. He was just the way she wanted to remember him. Except as time went on. Maxie smoked too much. Drank too much. Probably gambled too much. Because that was the way it was in their hood. 

But was he the only one? She wanted to remember those vivid sunny days. Taking the bus with him to a museum or the pier. It was the vacation of her life. Even if it were just fish and chips. But was she the only one?

The tears emerged. She didn't know why. Was she just sad about what became of Maxie? Was that all it was? And then she remembered HIM. That island boy. She never knew what island he was exactly from. Some place tropical she guessed. Although, he never said much. He'd be along for the ride. 

What was his name? How could she forget? How could she? That smile. Where had she seen it last? Why was it so troubling now.

"This is Miles," Maxie had said one sunny Saturday afternoon when they took the bus to the park.

"Miles." She could not get his name out of her throat. And then it shook her to the core as her eyes flew open to the morning sunlight and she flung the covers back. Shelly knew.



  1. Gotta keep the Jules Verne. :)

    Memories are funny things, they can take us back to wonderful points in time.

  2. This whole business with Shelly and Maxie is very interesting. He certainly made an impression on her, yet there are lots of question marks surrounding their relationship. What she has with Odin seems more stable, even if it lacks fireworks. That said, sometimes sex gets better with time.

    Ellie, I'm so sorry that it turns out you do have COVID. That sucks! But I'm glad that so far you're feeling okay. And that, as you said, you got this post out. No virus is going to slow down your story. :)

  3. Sono, sonhos, recordações...
    Boa semana!
    Beijos! :-*

  4. Muy interesante y adictivo!


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