Monday, May 30, 2022

Not quite as good as I should have

"I know it looks bad, you know... with Brad."

Kate nursed her bottom lip, thinking that wasn't the right line to use with Shelly.

Of course, at the moment she was in bed with Brad who hadn't awakened yet. He always did like to sleep the morning away.

True, it was like old times. She hadn't really had a second thought about them getting back together. Some things just needed to take their own course. And it was that with Brad. Evidently.

Finally, she rang up Shelly without hesitation.

"Where are you?" was the first thing Shelly said.

"Um, how's it going?" Kate shot back with a question.

"Oh, you know, the usual." Shelly was being her usual roommate self. As if she always wanted to be with Kate, no matter if she did have a boyfriend.

"Sorry," what more could Kate say about the matter. "I think it's best, you know."

"What?" Shelly sounded as if she didn't know. After all, Shelly did live with her since she hadn't a place of her own. It was funny how she'd come up with the life partner shit. Honestly, Kate knew it was a lie, but she let it alone. Until now.

"Really, Shell, you know what this is about," Kate would have to let her come to terms with it. She would always have Brad around even if a row or two was always likely. The making up was the best part.

"You're saying, I should move?" Shelly's voice cracked.

"Yes." Honestly, Kate didn't mean to be so cruel. "You've got Odin, don't you?"

"Christ!" Now Shelly was yelling. "Have an all-nighter or two with a bloke and.. and it's just set in stone, is it!"

Oh, Shelly could be demanding. Kate sat up and scratched the back of her messy dishwater hair. She made a face of disgust. What was Shelly trying to say? She was just too easy? After all, it had only been Brad. It would always be Brad.

Just then Brad stirred and he grabbed her by the waist as if he'd take her under again. Naturally, she knew Shelly would find it all so mad, but Kate didn't really care. She clicked off her cell and happily kissed Brad.


  1. ¡Hola, !
    Decirte que tienes un excelente contenido.
    Te dejo el enlace de mi blog por si te apetece pasarte por él, seguirnos y comentarnos.
    Saludos desde
    ¡Nos leemos!

  2. Bom demais está afim de alguém...Kate tá certa!


  3. The third wheel situation is never a good one, especially when it comes to roommates and romance. I hope that Kate and Shelly can work it out but don't blame Kate for going for Brad. :)

  4. I had read your story earlier in the week and thought it was lovely.
    Loved it!


I love notes.